K. Male'
24 Aug 2017 | Thu 18:37
President Maumoom visits Maafushi Jail
President Maumoom visits Maafushi Jail
Crackdown on Opposition
Ex-Pres Maumoon, Minister Dunya heads to Maafushi Prison
First time President Maumoon, Dunya visited Faris in jail
MP Faris charged with identity theft
Also charged with attempted bribery

Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, former President and father to Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon, has visited his son in Maafushi prison.

Dunya Maumoon, sister and State Minister at Health Ministry, had accompanied the former President on this visit.

MP Faris had been detained for the duration of investigation and trial on the bribery charges raised against him.

The former President had tweeted following the visitation.





MP Faris has been charged with identity theft and attempted bribery. Hearings of the identity theft charges are already underway in Court, which the trial on bribery charges will begin on 8th October. President Maumoon and Dunya had attended previous hearings of MP Faris’ case.

Sister Yumna Maumoon and her father had become vocal critics of the Government and are key players in the opposition movement.

However, Dunya and brother Ghassan are still in their Government positions. This had earned them much criticism from the public.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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