K. Male'
24 Aug 2017 | Thu 20:24
Jumhooree Party Leader and Maamigili Constituency MP Qasim Ibrahim transferred to Hospital
Jumhooree Party Leader and Maamigili Constituency MP Qasim Ibrahim transferred to Hospital
Trials Against Parliamentarian
MP Qasim collapses mid-trial
Fainted in Court room
Transferred to IGMH for treatment
Collapsed shortly after trial began

Jumhooree Party Leader and Maamigili Constituency MP Qasim Ibrahim has collapsed in Criminal Court.

Qasim’s lawyers reported to RaajjeMV journalist Ahmed Azmoon that Qasim had collapsed while he was on way to enter the Court room for the day's session.

The Court was to read the summary charges on MP Qasim. The hearings were closed off to public, citing that some had threatened Court staff and Judges over the case.

The Parliamentarian was charged with attempted bribery of his fellow Parliamentarians. Earlier on Thursday, the Court had heard the statements, with the Judge decreeing that summary charges will be read at 2.30pm on Thursday.

Bribery charges were first raised on MP Qasim on April 12th. The case was thrown out of Court on July 10th, after prosecution lawyers had failed to attend the hearing.

The case was opened again on July 12th, after Criminal Court had thrown out the case. In the hearing of the case on July 25th, Judge Adam Arif had decreed that the charges can be linked to the previous one and that the hearings can proceed ahead.

MP Qasim was admitted to hospital due to a cardiac condition twice before.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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