K. Male'
24 Aug 2017 | Thu 14:30
Both ruling and opposition members blamed each other for the egging
Both ruling and opposition members blamed each other for the egging
Mohamed Fazeen
Parliament Watch
Thursday's parliament sitting: the case of the mystery eggs
The opposition no longer accept MP Maseeh as Speaker, and says that any work done with him as Speaker 'is unlawful'
Thursday's parliament sitting lasted for 20 minutes or so, and a vote was held despite the opposition protesting and boycotting the vote
Both the ruling coalition and opposition blame each other for the egging

The parliamentarians of the joint opposition no longer accept MP Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed as Speaker, after their last no-confidence motion submitted against him. They note that while 42 votes are required to pass the motion, that 45 MPs had signed the motion submitted to parliament in July. However, the Parliament has since thrown out the motion, claiming that one of the MPs- who had initially denied signing it- withdrew his name, while a Supreme Court ruling strips four lawmakers of their parliament seats.

The Parliament held its tenth and last sitting of this year's second session and went into a month-long recess on Thursday.

And just as the past few days, Maseeh had high security as he entered the parliament chambers, with officers surrounding the Speaker's table throughout the session.

While today's sitting concluded in less than 20 minutes, Maseeh had conducted the session as the opposition lawmakers continued their protests on the parliament floor, boycotting today's vote as well.

However, what went at the parliament hallway and corridors were far more interesting the events that took place on the floor. We were able to see all this as some MPs live streamed from the parliament, via Facebook.

While there were a number of scuffles inside the chambers and the hallway, the highlight of the day was 'the case of the mystery eggs'.

The first thing we learnt today is that, that the Parliament's hallway and chambers had been egged.

Eggs were thrown inside the office of the minority leader, MP for Hinnavaru constituency Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, with Gan constituency MP Fayyaz Ismail getting hit in the process.

While egg shells were also seen near the Speaker's table, both the opposition and ruling blamed each other for the eggs. So much so that when Inguraidhoo constituency MP got some on his shoe, he decided to rub it off on Kurendhoo constituency MP Abdul Baree; not just anywhere, but inbetween Baaree's legs is where he chose to do so.

Some opposition members have already charged with obstruction for entering parliament grounds on July 24, despite it being locked down by the military. What a win for the ruling coalition, if they are able to show that the opposition are conducting such lowly activities too.

And there is no way for us to know who took the eggs inside the parliament, right?


First of all, seems like the opposition members were wary of the possibility; a video shared on social media shows an opposition parliamentarian attempting to sneak a peek under Dhaandhoo MP Ahmed Assad's table. Unable to get a shot, the MP moves to the other side, and we get a short clip where we see Assad holding what seems to be two eggs.

Secondly, there also are photos of the MP, where he is seen with a blue plastic bag, with what seems like eggs inside.

Assad has yet to make any comments on the matter.

Lastly, a shopkeeper- from a shop near the parliament building- also confirmed to RaajjeMV that MP Assad had bought 'some eggs' from his shop.

Last updated at: 8 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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