K. Male'
23 Aug 2017 | Wed 20:59
Police officers active on duty
Police officers active on duty
Ashwa Faheem
Assassination Attempts
Two Police officers arrested for assassination plot on President
Remanded for 15 days
Arrested for supporting, conspiring to assassinate President
Police silent for three days

Two Police officers have been arrested for plotting to assassinate President Abdullah Yameen.

Anonymous sources reported to RaajjeMV that one of the officers works at Police Maintenance Department, while the other works at the Legal Department.

The two had been arrested for plotting to assassinate the President and for speaking in a manner that encouraged such acts on social media.

The two have been remanded by Criminal Court for 15 days and are currently being held in Dhoonidhoo island.

RaajjeMV had attempted to question Police regarding the matter for three days. Police media official had responded by stating that they will check into it. On Wednesday, the official finally responded with ‘no comment’.

This is not the first time the President had been the target of an alleged assassination attempt. The first one came on 28th September 2015, with the controlled explosion on ‘Finifenmaa’ launch.

A month later, authorities alleged that a sniper had been recruited for the same purpose.

In November of that year, authorities once more claimed that a group had attempted to detonate an explosive near Muleeaage, one of the official residences of the President in order to assassinate him.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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