K. Male'
20 Aug 2017 | Sun 21:02
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon arrives in Criminal Court
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon arrives in Criminal Court
Azmoon Ahmed
Trials on Parliamentarians
State denies all requests submitted by MP Faris
Preliminary hearings concluded, trial set for October 8
Had denied to grant requests made by defense
Six requests made by defense

Criminal Court has decreed that the trial on Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon cannot be postponed.

Identity theft charges were raised against MP Faris for the alleged use of the logo and flag of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), despite being dismissed from the party.

As per the Criminal Procedures Act, if the defense denies the charges in the preliminary hearings and the Court decides the case can be heard, then the defense can put forward pre-trial motions.

In Thursday’s hearing of the case, the defense had put forward six motions. In Sunday’s hearing, Judge Ibrahim Ali had decreed that the motions cannot be approved.

The first request submitted by the defense argued for postponing the trial, citing that Supreme Court is yet to make the procedures and laws under the Criminal Procedures Act to ensure a free and just trial. If, the defense argued, the trial proceeds without these aspects, then their client stood to lose much of his rights.

Judge had denied this motion, stating that this can impact the judicial procedures. As such, the Judge noted the rights of public was more vital than the rights of one.

The second motion stated that the state had resorted to extra-judicial moves in connection to the charges raised against MP Faris and therefore, the case did not even warrant a trial.

Judge decreed that the trial on July 31st had declared the case can be heard and therefore the decision cannot be reversed.

The third motion argued the investigation into the case was flawed, as it was based on false charges. Any and all investigation, proof and arguments therefore are flawed as the basis on which they were collated were false.

Judge Ibrahim Ali added that the hearings of the case are yet to begin and the validity of the case and evidence will be deemed during the hearings.

Defense lawyers put forth the argument that the Parliamentarian was exempt from clause 17 of the Constitution that grants impartiality to all in investigations.

Judge Ibrahim Ali once again, denied to grant this motion, stating that the hearings of the case are yet to begin and the validity of the case and evidence will be deemed during the hearings.

The fifth motion requested the Court to strike off the video sent in by Prosecutor General as evidence.

In response, the Judge stated that the Court will seek the chain of custody, chain of custody report and video analysis report, during the trial to determine the validity of the video.

The last motion requested for an order on PG and all relevant authorities to reveal the evidence against the Parliamentarian.

To this, Judge Ibrahim Ali said that the Court will make a decision in the trial on this motion.

Judge announced that the hearings of the case will start on 8th October.

In addition to the identity theft charges, the State had raised attempted bribery charges on MP Faris.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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