K. Male'
19 Sep 2024 | Thu 08:36
The deceased has been identified as Zakiyya Moosa, 50 and native to the island.
The deceased has been identified as Zakiyya Moosa, 50 and native to the island.
Zakiyya Moosa's death
Zakiyya’s death: autopsy not conducted as probe deemed it unnecessary
The body was buried on September 12
Zakiyya’s body was discovered by municipal workers who entered the house to collect garbage
Police revealed that no further details can be disclosed presently

Authorities have revealed that they did not conduct an autopsy on the body of Zakiyya Moosa, who was discovered with wounds in Holhudhoo island of Noonu atoll, as the investigation found an autopsy examination was not necessary.

This was revealed during a press conference held by the Maldives Police Service (MPS) on Wednesday.

As such, speaking at the presser, Head of Major Crimes Investigation Department, Chief Superintendent of Police Hassan Shifau revealed that the investigation in connection with Zakiyya’s death is ongoing and that a team of police officers is active on the island.

Shifau went on to reveal that the samples required for investigation, have been collected from Zakiyya’s body and that the decision to not conduct an autopsy was taken after receiving the required approval from the doctors.

Citing the ongoing investigation, police revealed that no further details can be disclosed presently.

However, MPS revealed that further details will be disclosed as the investigation unfolds.

Zakiyya’s body was discovered by municipal workers who entered the house to collect garbage.

MPS received a report about a woman with injuries inside a house of the island, at around 10:10am on September 10.

The 50-year-old woman had a visible gash on her neck, likely caused by the knife found near her body.

Her body was discovered within her residential compound, lying on the ground between the house and the storage shed.

Police officers attended the scene and transported the body to the island’s health center.

The police institution cited the health center having pronounced her dead.

The woman’s body was transferred to the capital Malé City for further analysis, some time on September 10.

No arrests have been made in connection with the case, so far.

The body was buried on September 12.

The island’s residents, who provided information asserted that she was slain and that there was a large puddle of blood at the scene.

She was married and had two sons. She was living with her husband, one of her sons and her daughter-in-law.

MPS earlier said that Zakiyya's body was brought to the capital Malé City for further analysis on September 11, and after conducting the tests, her body was transferred back to the island on September 12.

Previously having worked as a temporary teacher at the island's Meyna School, Zakiyya was described by her family members as a kind-hearted person who was very close to her family.

Meyna School has also extended condolences on behalf of the management and the entire school.

RaajjeMV understands that there were four cuts on her neck, covered in visible, deep wounds.

Last updated at: 15 hours ago
Reviewed by: Mariyam Uhaamath
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