K. Male'
11 Aug 2017 | Fri 20:32
Protesters arrested on Thursday night
Protesters arrested on Thursday night
Protests in Male’
All arrested protesters released
Male’ City Council Memebr Azra Moosa among arrested
Released when summoned for remand hearings
Mass rally planned for Friday evening as well

The seven individuals arrested from Thursday night’s joint opposition rally in Male’ City have all been released.

They were released on Friday evening, after being summoned to Criminal Court for remand hearings.

Male’ City Council’s Central Maafannu Constituency Member Azra Moosa, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) National Council members Mohamed Nihad, Zifleen Hassan, Hassan Ahmed and Ali Sham and two others were released this evening.

The opposition is preparing to launch another rally in the capital Male’ for Friday evening as well. The rally will start from MDP headquarters located on Bodu thakurufaanu magu.



Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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