K. Male'
10 Aug 2017 | Thu 10:35
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Deputy Leader Mohamed Shifaz in RaajjeTV’s ‘Fala Surukhee’ program
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Deputy Leader Mohamed Shifaz in RaajjeTV’s ‘Fala Surukhee’ program
Mohamed Wisam
Executive Watch
President Yameen will be the first arrestee if rule of law is implemented: Shifaz
Many accusations against President Yameen
Pres. Yameen used Parliament against citizens
Citizens will not allow injustices

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Deputy Leader Mohamed Shifaz says that if the nation were to implement the rule of law, then President Abdullah Yameen will be the first person who will be arrested.

He made the statement speaking in RaajjeTV’s ‘Fala Surukhee’ program on Wednesday night.

Speaking in the program, Shifaz highlighted on the many accusations made against the incumbent President. Therefore, Shifaz said that President Yameen did not have the right to claim he was implementing rule of law. If the nation were to implement rule of law, he said that President Yameen will be the first person to be arrested.

As such, Shifaz noted that all claims being made against President Yameen must be investigated.

‘The biggest theft in the nation’s history was carried out in this regime. Citizens are accusing the Government of this. President Yameen himself confessed to Government complicity in this. That corruption is rampant. Similar things to these issues; the murder of several youth, several politicians targeted, several have passed away. The reality today is that they’re using powers they do not have to coerce Parliamentarians in a bid to hang on to power,’ he said.

Shifaz added that President Yameen was using and abusing the executive powers granted to him on the Parliament against the citizens. He remarked that the actions on sitting electors were unjust and stripped from their seats on baseless accusations.

The Deputy Leader stressed that citizens were not prepared to give way to such actions of the Government. He added the nation and state should not be molded to the liking and wishes of President Yameen.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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