K. Male'
09 Aug 2017 | Wed 03:25
MRDC vehicles being used to transport assets to First Lady's new offices
MRDC vehicles being used to transport assets to First Lady's new offices
Abuse of State Assets
MRDC vehicles used in transporting assets to First Lady’s office
Criticized over decision to create office in FAM House
MRDC vehicles used in transferring assets

Vehicles belonging to Maldives Road Development Corporation (MRDC) have been used in transporting assets to the new premises of First Lady’s office.

The new findings came forth after criticism over the First Lady’s decision to relocate her office premises to Football Association of Maldives (FAM).

The premises were previously located in the office in Janavaree magu.

RaajjeMV understands that employees of MRDC were used in the transfer.

The ground floor of FAM premises had been leased to First Lady’s offices and currently political activities are run there. Many had criticized the FAM for becoming politicized.

FAM premises had been leased by FIFA for 50 years, with FIFA authorizing sublease of parts of the house for FAM purposes. However, FIFA has the right to enact action against FAM if the premises are used for political purposes.

Many had accused that FAM house is being used as main offices of the First Lady’s Sadaqat Foundation. Multiple cases involving the foundation had been filed with the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) for investigation.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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