K. Male'
04 Aug 2017 | Fri 17:36
Former Parliamentarian for the Kendhikulhudhoo Constituency Ahmed Easa
Former Parliamentarian for the Kendhikulhudhoo Constituency Ahmed Easa
Political Crisis
Most Police officers are hesitant to use pepper spray on public: Easa
Most officers use force as they were pressured
Those in law enforcement must accept responsibility

Former Parliamentarian for the Kendhikulhudhoo Constituency Ahmed Easa has stated that Police use pepper spray on citizens as they were compelled to do so.

Speaking in RaajjeTV’s ‘Fala Surukhee’ program, Easa said the officers active on the field are ashamed of the orders issued on them.

‘All the officers who had assaulted me on May Day had apologized for it. I’ve accepted that apology whole heartedly. Most officers had admitted that they did it as they were forced to do it,’ Easa said.

He noted that most believed that without their jobs, they will face extreme hardship.

Those who actually dare to speak about the truth are hesitant to do so, as they feared backlash for their friends and family. As such, Easa said the officers were compelled to harm citizens.

Easa added that there were many instances where officers had personally apologized the day after spraying him with pepper spray. He noted that the leadership should take responsibility for giving illegal orders.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf