K. Male'
27 Feb 2024 | Tue 08:00
The president met members of HDh. Naivaadhoo council and WDC on Monday
The president met members of HDh. Naivaadhoo council and WDC on Monday
Presidents Office
President Muizzu's tour of the north
HDh. Naivaadhoo council seeks to establish a police post on the island
The president met members of HDh. Naivaadhoo council and WDC on Monday
Naivaadhoo WDC members shed light on budget constraints
Some of the concerns include the need for a mosque

The council in Naivaadhoo island of Haa Dhaal atoll has sought from the government to establish a police post on the island.

This was done during a meeting President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu held with members of the island’s council and Women's Development Committee (WDC) on Monday.

Discussions at the meeting revolved around concerns regarding the development initiatives on the island as well as the need to expedite the projects.

As such, some of the concerns include the need for a mosque and a police post.

They also requested the administration’s support for their initiative to transition to renewable energy sources.

Speaking at the meeting, Naivaadhoo WDC members shed light on budget constraints.

Listening to these concerns, the president assured them that he would find a way to tackle the issues.

Last updated at: 4 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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