K. Male'
30 Jul 2017 | Sun 23:35
MNDF officers 'escorting' elected legislators on 24th July
MNDF officers 'escorting' elected legislators on 24th July
Azmoon Ahmed
Crackdown on Opposition
Detained MPs will not be presented for Monday's parliament sitting
Police told the MPs defence team that they will not be presented to parliament on Monday
Lawyer Ali Zahir said that police did not reveal further on the matter
Four opposition MPs are currently in police custody; MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon, MP Mohamed Ameeth, MP Mohamed Waheed and MP Saud Hussain

Police have informed that detained lawmakers will not be presented for Monday's parliament sitting, says defence lawyer Ali Zahir.

The lawyer met with officials from the Maldives Police Service (MPS) on Sunday night, to inquire on whether the parliamentarians will be taken to parliament for the session.

Speaking afterwards, Zahir said that they were informed that the detained MPs will not be taken to parliament for Monday, adding that police did not reveal the reason for doing so.

RaajjeMV was unable to obtain an official comment from MPS on the matter.

Noting that those lawmakers in police custody have not been convicted of a crime, Zahir emphasized that "they must be brought for the parliament session".

Four opposition MPs are currently in police custody. They are; MP for Dhiggaru constituency Ahmed Faris Maumoon, Maduvvari constituency MP Mohamed Ameeth, Thulusdhoo constituency MP Mohamed Waheed and Villingilli constituency MP Saud Hussain.

Faris, who was arrested on July 18, faces bribery allegations, with the other three accused of obstruction, for entering the parliament premises on July 24, while the Elections Commission had announced that they no longer are members of the parliament.

The Election Commission's decision came after the Supreme Court ruled to disqualify lawmakers who leave a party, joins another or is expelled from the party.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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