K. Male'
30 Jul 2017 | Sun 17:48
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Presidents Office
Ex-VP Ahmed Adeeb
No decision made on letters sent in by Adeeb: Supreme Court
Letters sent in by Adeeb on ex-Pres. Nasheed, Nazim
Letter on Nazim claimed his innocence
Letter on Nasheed said his sentence was politically motivated

Supreme Court of the Maldives says that the Court is yet to reach a decision on the letters sent in by former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb regarding former President Mohamed Nasheed and former Defense Minister Colonel (Rtd) Mohamed Nazim.

In the letters sent to Supreme Court Adeeb had made some startling claims.

In the letter, he had sent regarding former Defense Minister Colonel (Rtd) Mohamed Nazim, Adeeb said that there was no connection between the pistol found in Nazim’s home and Nazim. Adeeb said that he was prepared to testify in Supreme Court, in his capacity as someone who was privy to the entire issue. He had appealed Supreme Court to give him the opportunity to do so.

The second letter stated that the terror charges on former President Mohamed Nasheed were not written by sitting Judge. Adeeb said the terror charges were raised on Nasheed for having taken up the defense of ex-Defense Minister Mohamed Nazim.

Noting that he knew who had penned the verdict, Adeeb said the ‘first draft’ of the verdict spelled a 10-year verdict, with a three-year suspended sentence. He added that he knew who had changed the initial verdict and on whose orders, it was done so.

Judiciary spokesperson reported to RaajjeMV that the Court is yet to reach to a decision regarding the letters and that the response will be issued directly to the individual who had sent in the letter.

Lawyers for Nasheed and Nazim and their families have called on to reopen the cases and review them.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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