K. Male'
30 Jul 2017 | Sun 08:19
Former Commissioner of Police and Kimbidhoo Constituency MP Abdullah Riyaz
Former Commissioner of Police and Kimbidhoo Constituency MP Abdullah Riyaz
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Political Crisis
Police should not be supporting Pres. Yameen’s bid to stay in power: Abdullah Riyaz
Riyaz is a strong critic of the Govt.
Expressed his dismay over politicization of Police
Assured that case cannot be proven, if investigated properly

Former Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz has stated that Maldives Police Service (MPS) should not be an agency that defends President Abdullah Yameen’s bid to stay in power.

Riyaz, who currently is the Kimbidhoo Constituency MP, made the statement speaking to press after attending a session at Police headquarters on Saturday night.

He said that Police does not have to respond to politicized orders made by politicians. Riyaz further said that Police should not be an intermediary in the Government’s actions of targeting opposition politicians using the judiciary.

‘The current actions against opposition members by the Government, using the judiciary or any other avenue… Police should not be an intermediary or an instigator. I told them I did not want to see that happen. I requested them to cease it, help put an end to it,’ he said speaking near Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) area.

Four criminal charges have been raised against opposition MPs for having entered Parliament premises on July 24th. In addition to Riyaz, the charges had been filed on Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and Maafannu West Constituency MP Mohamed Falah.

All three have been charged with breaking Police ranks, obstruction, attempting to enter closed off premises and attempted assault. Riyaz said he had given his statement regarding the events of July 24th. If investigated properly, Riyaz said that these cases will not be proven on any Parliamentarian.

‘I kept on advising the officers, in my capacity as a former officer,’ he said.

Riyaz added that he believed that Parliamentarians Mohamed Waheed, Mohamed Ameeth and Saud Hussain were still sitting Members of Parliament. He said the three cannot be arrested and detained while the Supreme Court is still deliberating on the issue of their seats.

While charges had been raised on MPs Falah, Riyaz and Solih, MPs Waheed, Ameeth, Saud and Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon are under arrest. MP Faris is on trial for identity theft, while trials are being run on Maamigili MP Qasim Ibrahim and Hithadhoo Central Constituency MP Ibrahim Mohamed Didi.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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