K. Male'
30 Jul 2017 | Sun 06:44
Maduvvari constituency MP Mohamed Ameeth was presented to Criminal Court on Friday, for his remand hearing
Maduvvari constituency MP Mohamed Ameeth was presented to Criminal Court on Friday, for his remand hearing
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Jailed Lawmakers
Criminal Court ruled that MP Ameeth has lost his parliament seat, says lawyer
The Court made the ruling during the Maduvvari MP's remand hearing on Friday
Ameeth was arrested on Thursday night
Zahir is also on MP Saud's legal team, who was arrested after presenting himself to police to inquire on why a manhunt was announced on him

Criminal Court has declared that MP Mohamed Ameeth has lost his seat in parliament, says defence laywer Ali Zahir.

Ali Zahir made the comment at a press conference on Saturday evening, held by the defence team of the Maduvvari constituency MP and Villingilli constituency MP Saud Hussain.

Zahir said that the Court had ruled that Ameeth was no longer a member of the parliament as he was arrested for entering the parliament premises without permission after being disqualified from his parliament seat.

Noting that they will be appealing the ruling, Zahir highlighted that such matters can only be handled by the Supreme Court, according Article 74 of the Constitution.

Both Ameeth and Saud have been issued a 15-day remand.

MP Saud had submitted himself to police on Friday, after a manhunt was announced on him. He had gone there to inquire as to why it was announced, and was arrested on arrival.

In addition, MP for Thulusdhoo constituency, Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim was arrested and remanded over the same matter.

The opposition maintains that all three have been arrested unlawfully.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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