K. Male'
15 Dec 2023 | Fri 16:16
Voting proceeds during MDP internal elections
Voting proceeds during MDP internal elections
2024 parliamentary elections
Applications to open for candidates who wish to contest in 2024 Majlis polls on MDP ticket
The application window will be opened on Saturday
Only those who submit their applications by December 25, will be allowed to contest in the primary
The MDP primary election will be held between January 20 – 27

Applications are to open for candidates who wish to contest in the 2024 parliament elections on a Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) ticket.

The former ruling party revealed that it would open a window to determine candidates interested in contesting in the 2024 parliamentary elections through their ticket, on Saturday.

Further, the party revealed that they would open applications to contest in the MDP primary election, until December 25.

After that, the process of holding the primary election will proceed where it is to be held.

The MDP primary election will be held on a date between January 20 – 27, on two rounds.

Only those who submit their applications by December 25, will be allowed to contest in the primary election.

Last updated at: 7 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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