K. Male'
20 Jul 2017 | Thu 16:44
Attorney General (AG) Mohamed Anil
Attorney General (AG) Mohamed Anil
Azmoon Ahmed
No confidence motion
Anil’s no confidence motion sent to Parliament
Anil’s no confidence motion sent to Parliament
Submitted with signatures from 24 MPs

A no confidence motion on Attorney General (AG) Mohamed Anil has been submitted to the Parliament.

Twenty-four MPs had signed the motion.

Parliament laws dictate that if a no confidence motion on a Cabinet Minister is sent to the Parliament, the said Minister must be notified of the debate 14 days before the debate. The Minister will be given the opportunity to present a written statement and he will be able to speak in the session.

Forty-three MPs must vote in favor of the motion in order to pass the motion.

The no confidence motion came following the controversial move sent in by Attorney General, which criminalizes floor crossing and strips sitting MPs from their Parliament seats. AG Anil received strong criticism for this motion.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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