K. Male'
19 Jul 2017 | Wed 10:00
Yumna Maumoon
Yumna Maumoon
MP Faris Maumoon
'Allegations against MP Faris cannot be proven' says Yumna Maumoon
MP Faris is facing allegations for attempting to bribe parliamentarians ahead a vote of no-confidence against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh
Faris also faces separate charges of ‘identity fraud’
Yumna said that investigators do not have enough evidence against Faris to pursue a conviction

The state has no legal basis for the charges against MP Faris Maumoon and he cannot be found guilty, his sister Yumna Maumoon has said.

Yumna said that investigators do not have enough evidence against Faris to pursue a conviction.

“In truth, these are just attempts to intimidate him. These are by no means allegations that can be proven. His lawyer tells me that Faris remains steadfast” Yumna said in an interview to RaajjeTV on Tuesday night.

MP Faris is facing allegations for attempting to bribe parliamentarians ahead a vote of no-confidence against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh.  

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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