K. Male'
18 Jul 2017 | Tue 23:26
Senior figures of MDP
Senior figures of MDP
MP Faris' Arrest
MDP calls for MP Faris’ release
Parliament should be given right to hold Govt. accountable
All actions taken to stall vote on Speaker Maseeh

All actions taken to stall vote on Speaker Maseeh

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has strongly condemned the arrest of Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon.

A statement released by the Party said that MP Faris, one of the key figures of the opposition movement spearheading the no confidence motion on Speaker Abdullah Maseeh, was arrested without any substantial evidence to back the bribery allegations. The arrest, the Party said was a warning and an intimidation attempt. Such actions, carried out on the orders of President Yameen, MDP said cannot be accepted. Any such acts against elected MPs are autocratic measures taken by President Yameen to maintain his grip on power, the statement said.

Noting that over the past few years, the state of the nation had worsened, MDP said cost of living has gone up, with attacks made on the democratic system of rule, with incapacitated independent institutions. However, it noted that no government can take over the right of public to hold their leaders accountable. As such, it said the Parliament must be given the right to hold the leaders accountable as well.

MDP said such actions against Parliamentarians, in a bid to stall the vote on Parliament Speaker Maseeh, were illegal. With the defections from President Yameen’s faction of Progressive Party of the Maldives and them joining the reformist movement, MDP statement said that President Yameen’s grip on power had lessened considerably. All such actions by the Government, using state institutions, were desperate attempts to stay in power.

These actions, MDP said only failed to further weaken the incumbent President and derailed attempts at sustainable development for the nation. It also called on Police and members of state institutions not to support the Government in carrying out such regressive actions.

MDP concluded the statement calling for MP Faris’ release and assured the Party remained committed to serving the reformist movement.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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