K. Male'
18 Jul 2017 | Tue 10:20
MP Faris Maumoon
MP Faris Maumoon
Crackdown on politicians
Police search MP Faris residence
MP Faris a key figure in reformist movement
Arrest came following early morning search of residence
Police began search in the morning

Police has begun search of Maafannu Snow Rose, residence of Dhiggaru Constituency Member of Parliament Ahmed Faris Maumoon.

The search of the sixth floor apartment of MP Faris and his wife began at around 9 am.

The residence was searched as part of the bribery allegations made against the Parliament.



The Court order warranting his arrest says that the apartment was searched as part of the ongoing investigation of the attempted bribery of Parliamentarians, carried out by MP Faris and other individuals.

The order was issued by Criminal Court Judge Ibrahim Ali and warranted search of laptops, hard drives, cheque books, bank documents and other related items.



Prior to the search, Police had said they had enough evidence on the Parliamentarian over the bribery allegations.

Rumors had also surfaced that Police had sought a warrant for MP Faris’ arrest. No word had been issued by Police to this effect.

RaajjeMV understands that MP Faris was made aware of the search earlier this morning. MP Faris and Commissioner of Police Ahmed Areef are married to siblings and live in Maafannu Snow Rose.

The Parliamentarian is a key figure in the no confidence motion against Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh. The motion was submitted for the third time with the signatures of 45 MPs. RaajjeMV understands that none of the MPs from PPM had revoked their signatures, in spite of the warning issued by the Party leadership to do so.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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