K. Male'
17 Jul 2017 | Mon 22:51
Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof, Maafannu North Constituency MP Imthiyaz Fahmy, former Managing Director of State Trade Organization (STO) Adam Azim
Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof, Maafannu North Constituency MP Imthiyaz Fahmy, former Managing Director of State Trade Organization (STO) Adam Azim
Maldives United Opposition
Over a year for cases filed to NIC, none completed: MUO
Over a year for some cases, no details published
Some cases languished for over three years

Maldives United Opposition (MUO) has criticized National Integrity Commission (NIC), for their failure to review cases submitted to the Commission.

Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof, Maafannu North Constituency MP Imthiyaz Fahmy, former Managing Director of State Trade Organization (STO) Adam Azim had visited the Commission on Monday to review the progress of the cases filed with the Commission.

Speaking to press following the meeting held to check the status of the cases filed with the agency, the three had confirmed that they were not able meet any Commission members. However, they said they had met some investigative officers who had confirmed that those cases have not been completed.

The three said they had filed only a limited number of cases, with supporting video footage and photographic evidence, with the Commission. In spite of this, they noted that the Commission was not able to review these cases. The Commission had failed to even inform on how far along the investigation had progressed.

MP Mahloof said it had been over a year since the cases were filed with the Commission. He added that some of the cases had languished in the investigative phase for almost three years. The Parliamentarian noted that this was deeply concerning.

‘Members of the Commission have to approach this as their litmus tests in a new job, after a long period of unemployment. They have to complete these cases as soon as possible, we had even provided video footage,’ he said.

MP Imthiyaz added that the cases were not filed with the intention to punish but as a way to uphold the professionality of the Police.

‘Colonel Nazim’s case had been in the Commission for three years. But we are yet to receive an adequate reply. Cases are not progressing. Both locals and international community accept that Nazim was jailed on trumped up charges. But still authorities had not released him. None had accepted that responsibility,’ Azim said.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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