K. Male'
16 Jul 2017 | Sun 15:54
Officers of Maldives Police Service (MPS)
Officers of Maldives Police Service (MPS)
Maldives Police Service
MPS Operations
Cases filed to MPS drops in the first six months
Theft accounted for the most cases filed by end of June

Maldives Police Service (MPS) says that the number of cases filed with the agency in the past six months of this year, had decreased compared to the previous year.

Statistics released by MPS on Sunday shows that by end of June 8615 cases were registered in the first six months of 2016. The number has decreased to 7644 cases this year. In 2016, 2911 individuals were arrested in connection to various cases; the number has decreased to 2314 in 2017.

Theft accounted for most of the cases filed in this period. As such, last year, 1994 cases of theft, 429 cases of violence, 376 cases of mugging and 1239 cases of drugs were filed. This year, 1546 cases of theft, 374 cases of violence, 356 cases of mugging and 1041 cases involving drugs were filed in MPS.

Traffic cases had also decreased, with 1107 cases filed this year compared to last year’s 1282 cases.

Most arrests were made in connection to drug cases. This year, 1097 individuals were arrested on drug cases, 257 on violence cases, 359 cases of theft and 99 on mugging.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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