K. Male'
16 Jul 2017 | Sun 15:39
 President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom at this year's Eid festivities
President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom at this year's Eid festivities
Presidents Office
Independence Day 2017
Official function of Independence Day set for 27th night
Invitations dispatched to invitees

The official event to mark the Independence Day for this year has been scheduled for the 27th of this month.

The official event will be hosted by President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom and First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim.

President’s Office said that the invitations for the ceremony had already been dispatched to the invitees and that a large number will attend this year’s function as well.

Last year’s official event was held in Islamic Center.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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