K. Male'
14 Jul 2017 | Fri 16:30
Dhihdhoo Constituency MP Abdul Latheef Mohamed
Dhihdhoo Constituency MP Abdul Latheef Mohamed
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Political Crisis
Will not go back to PPM, in spite of severity of loss: MP Latheef
Maseeh follows Government direction
No time, consideration given to analyze proposed bills
No benefit for PPM from Supreme Court ruling

Dhihdhoo Constituency MP Abdul Latheef Mohamed says that Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh toes the Government line fully and that he will not switch back to ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) in spite of the severity of the loss.

Speaking in RaajjeTV Sungadi program, Latheef said Maseeh had no legal grounds to sit as Parliament Speaker anymore. He said the Speaker was currently in that position by using intimidation and influence. MP Latheef added that the reformist movement had no choice but to go this route due to the actions of the Government.

As such, he noted that there was no room within the Parliament for reform that was beneficial to the citizens. MP Latheef marked that Speaker Maseeh and Parliament itself bent rules and procedures for bills and motions that directly benefited the Government.

MP Latheef further noted the Supreme Court ruling will not benefit ruling PPM.

‘Maseeh was elected as Speaker, on the assumption that he was a capable individual. Then we saw within the Parliament that he was the anti-thesis of democracy. He did what he wanted. Did not respect the opposition MPs. He was distant from reform,’ Latheef said.

He added that not all Parliamentarians will toe the line followed by Maseeh and other Government allied MPs.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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