K. Male'
13 Jul 2017 | Thu 21:47
Supreme Court Maldives
Supreme Court Maldives
Mohamed Sharuhaan
SC Ex-Parte Ruling
Defiant public sentiments rise following SC ruling
This is a dark day
Last ditch attempt to save situation
Justices lose position if they change Constitution

Defiant public sentiments had risen on various social media platforms following the Supreme Court ruling on floor crossing.

Makunudhoo Constituency MP Anaaraa Naeem, who represents Adhaalath Party at the Parliament, said that today was a dark day for the nation’s Constitutional history.



Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Maafaanu North Constituency MP Imthiyaz Fahmy said this was a last-ditch attempt by the Government to save themselves and therefore such attempts will fail spectacularly.



Scholar and former Islamic Minister Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree likened the Supreme Court ruling to a divorce, adding that an exit from the Party was final.



Former Attorney General and lawyer Husnu Suood chimed in with the legal ramifications for Justices with this ruling. He said that if a Justice changes the Constitution he stands to lose his position as a Justice of the Supreme Court.



Member of Parliament for Addu Meedhoo Constituency Rozaina Adam said that ‘we cannot make a defection law without bringing relevant changes to the constitution’ and that the constitution does not give room for a defection law.



Dhangethi Constituency MP Ilham Ahmed said the victory was still imminent and that this was a reality.



Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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