K. Male'
11 Jul 2017 | Tue 00:06
Opposition Coalition Press
Opposition Coalition Press
Ismail Naail Nasheed
Speaker No Confidence Vote
Maseeh has no right to sit at JSC: Ali Hussain
Maseeh’s no confidence guaranteed beyond doubt
Five Judges have to review case
PPM members will come back once Party is restored to rightful leaders

Opposition Reformist Movement says that Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh cannot sit on the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) as a Parliament representative.

Speaking in the press conference held on Monday, Kendhoo Constituency MP Ali Hussain said that the majority of the Parliament had decreed that Maseeh does not have the confidence of the Parliament by way of the no confidence motion.

Due to this, MP Ali Hussain said that Maseeh did not have the legality to claim or represent the Parliament in JSC.

‘The Parliament Speaker is one person from the Parliament who can sit in Judicial Service Commission. Now, 45 MPs had signed the motion, decided not to back the Speaker. As a principle, the no confidence motion is already set, only procedural elements remain, which is the vote on the 24th,’ Ali Hussain said.

He said the opposition did not believe that Speaker Maseeh can sit in any meeting that makes decisions on the future of the judicial justice system.

Speaker Maseeh had attended Monday’s session of JSC. Appointing a President to the Commission was on the agenda.

The reformist movement’s members addressed the AG office motion to Supreme Court asking for a ruling whereby which any MP who defects or is removed or leaves their respective Party will lose their Parliamentary seat.

Speaking on the issue, MDP Secretary General Anas Abdu Sattar said that this a politically motivated move.

‘[Law] is clear on such matters, a minimum of five Judges must review the case. All of them have to present. So, there are clear questions when a three Judge bench of the Supreme Court reviews this,” Anas said.

Anas said if this motion passes as the Government wished to, then the Government also stood to lose many MPs.

PPM’s Maumoon faction’s Deputy Leader Aminath Nadhira said that PPM members will come back once Party is restored to rightful leaders

Adhaalath Party Chair of Foreign Relations Committee, Shidhatha Shareef said all MPs must be given access to function in the Parliament.

The Government had resorted to using other tactics put pressure on MPs.


Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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