K. Male'
10 Jul 2017 | Mon 16:53
Ihavandhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Abdullah  with former President Nasheed
Ihavandhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Abdullah with former President Nasheed
PPM in Crisis
MP Mohamed Abdullah also resigns from PPM
MP Abdullah had signed the no confidence motion on Speaker

Ihavandhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Abdullah has also offered his resignation from ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM).

A letter sent by the Parliamentarian said that the amendments put forward by the Government to Parliament and Courts had hampered civil liberties and rights. As such, he said he did not feel that he can serve his Constituents while as a member of PPM and therefore had requested his dismissal, effective from Monday.

This one of the many high-profile defections from PPM to the opposition. While this has been observed, the Attorney General had submitted a motion to the Supreme Court which effectively nullifies the Parliament seat of any MP who defects, resigns or is removed from the current Party.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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