K. Male'
19 May 2023 | Fri 08:23
The capital city of Maldives
The capital city of Maldives
Fine weather expected in the north over the weekend
Some islands in southern atolls are expected to experience rain showers over the weekend
The department has also predicted that seas will be generally moderate across the country
This year’s southwest monsoon commenced at the beginning of May

The Maldives Meteorological Service (MMS) has predicted fine weather to prevail across northern atolls over the weekend.

The department revealed that the weather is expected to be fine in northern atolls in the next two days.

Although the weather is predicted to be fine in some islands of central atolls over the course of the next 24 hours, some regions in central atolls will experience scattered rain showers on Saturday.

Some islands in southern atolls are expected to experience scattered showers on Friday, with heavy rain showers predicted in some atolls in the south, on Saturday.

The department has also predicted that seas will be generally moderate across the country.

This year’s southwest monsoon commenced at the beginning of May.

Of the two seasons experienced across the archipelago nation, the northeast monsoon is experienced between January and March, with southwest monsoon falling between May and November. Maldives experiences heavy rain showers and adverse weather conditions during the southwest monsoon as well as the northeast monsoon. Extensive periods of strong winds and adverse weather conditions are usually experienced mostly during the southwest monsoon.

This year’s southwest monsoon began on May 3 for southern atolls, with it having begun across central parts on May 4.

As the weather remains unpredictable, authorities have advised the public to be cautious considering the adverse conditions of the southwest monsoon experienced in some regions.

Adverse weather conditions experienced across some regions have been causing trees to uproot, roofs to tear off homes and trees as well as debris falling onto houses over the years. The squally weather during monsoon also causes damage to crop in some islands and presents challenges for seafarers and fishermen as well. Some islands have been experiencing swell waves surges during high tides as well. Regions across the entire island nation also experience ankle-deep flooding due to heavy rainfall.

Last updated at: 8 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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