K. Male'
08 Jul 2017 | Sat 17:34
Judicial Service Commission (JSC) President and Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed.
Judicial Service Commission (JSC) President and Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed.
Azmoon Ahmed
Justice Ali Hameed
IGMH silent on condition of Justice Ali Hameed
Ali Hameed was admitted in IGMH on Thursday

Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) has refused to divulge any information on the condition of hospitalized Judicial Service Commission (JSC) President and Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed.

Speaking to RaajjeMV IGMH Director Public Relations and Media Ahmed Mausoom said that no details can be made public. He further said if the media required information on the Justice, they had to contact either Supreme Court or JSC.

Additionally, Mausoom said that no statement can be issued regarding any patient without the family’s consent. This, he said was especially, more applicable given that he is a public official. Therefore, Mausoom said they cannot either confirm or deny that the Justice had been released.

Justice Ali Hameed was first admitted in IGMH on Thursday. RaajjeMV understands the Judge was taken to hospital Thursday evening and treated at Emergency Room, prior to transfer to Executive Ward.

Various sources had claimed that the Justice had suffered a heart attack. However, RaajjeMV can confirm that the Justice did not suffer a heart attack and is recovering.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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