K. Male'
06 Jul 2017 | Thu 04:50
PPM Youth rally held in Carnival area
PPM Youth rally held in Carnival area
Govt. in Crisis
Dr. Shainee claims 'no pressure', holds youth rally
Cannot oust Government
Government united
MPs left swayed by bribes

Fisheries Minister Dr. Mohamed Shainee has claimed there was 'no pressure' for senior Government officials.

He made the statement speaking to RaajjeTV in the youth rally held in Carnival area on Wednesday evening.

Dr. Shainee said the Government was under 'no pressure' over the no confidence motion on Speaker Abdullah Maseeh.

He also deflected the rumors that Ministers were planning an exit, stressing that the Government was united and with President Abdullah Yameen.

'I fail to understand the link between the Government and the no confidence motion in the Parliament,' Shainee said.

Dr. Shainee noted that during the MDP administration, they remained there in spite of having the minority in the Parliament. Therefore, he said that he saw no reason that any issues within the Parliament should impact the Government.

He further accused that the MPs who had voted for the motion had done so as they were bribed and not any real support.

'We'll defeat the motion, as before,' Shainee said.

Referring to the tweet he had made about Mahchangolhi South MP Abdullah Sinan and Dhangethi Constituency MP Ilham Ahmed's decision to vote for the motion, Dr. Shainee said even then he was in discussions with the two MPs as they had some grievances. He added that the MPs had deceived them and that his tweet was a response to that.

Minister Shainee said the opposition's efforts to defeat President Yameen and his administration will be in vain.

Wednesday evening's rally was held with youth from several clubs in Male'. Regrettably, there was no female representation in this rally.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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