K. Male'
05 Jul 2017 | Wed 22:16
President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom
President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom
PPM in Crisis
Embattled Pres. asks to be removed from PG Viber group
Disagreements flared following formation of Committees
'So many complaints, please don't do this'
'Falah, pz remove me'

Embattled President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom has requested that he be removed from the Progressive Party of Maldives Parliamentary Group's Viber Group.

The request was made following a heated discussion in the Group, over operations and forming of Committees to oversee the operations. The Group had been in chaos ever since 11 MPs from PPM signed the no confidence motion on Speaker Abdullah Maseeh.

On Wednesday, the MPs had expressed their dissatisfaction with the formation of Committees, stating that previously such Committees were formed but without any results. Therefore, the Members said there was no point to forming Committees.

President Yameen had expressed his dissatisfaction with the members' objections, appealing to members not to behave in that manner. This was ignored by the members.

President Yameen had responded by stating that 'it is true, there was nothing done for any MP' and that 'there was nothing the Government had done for development'.

Then he said he was 'leaving the page' and requested PG Deputy Leader and Inguraidhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Falah to 'pz remove me'.

PG Leader and Vilimale' Constituency MP Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik had attempted to convince the members that forming the committees was in the best interest of the Party.

MP for Ungoofaaru Constituency Jaufar Daaood, Guraidhoo Constituency MP Hussain Manik Dhon Manik and Hulhudhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Shahid were among the members who had raised objections.

Jaufar said the Committees had been hindrances in the past, while MP Hussain Manik noted the same. Shahid said the number of Committees had reached an exorbitant amount.

Two Committees were formulated to facilitate the projects from within the Government; one is composed of MPs and the other for Cabinet Ministers.

MP Falah, Madaveli Constituency MP Muaz Rasheed, Kelaa MP Ali Arif and Nilandhoo Constituency MP Abdullah Khaleel are in the Committee for MPs. Housing Minister Dr. Mohamed Muizz, State Minister Mohamed Mujthaz and Economic Minister Mohamed Saeed are in the Committee for Cabinet Ministers.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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