K. Male'
03 Jul 2017 | Mon 15:23
Abdulla Maseeh initially ended the sitting on Monday to reconvene the following day
Abdulla Maseeh initially ended the sitting on Monday to reconvene the following day
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Parliament Watch
Parliament goes into sudden indefinite recess
Abdulla Maseeh initially ended the sitting on Monday to reconvene the following day
The secretariat had informed parliamentarians via text message that Tuesday’s sitting is to be cancelled
The second parliament session for this year began on 5th June

After parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh ended the sitting on Monday to reconvene the following day, while a motion of no-confidence against him had been submitted, the parliament secretariat has informed parliamentarians about an indefinite recess.

The secretariat had informed parliamentarians via text message that Tuesday’s sitting is to be cancelled and that parliament will reconvene at a date that is yet to be decided.

The second parliament session for this year began on 5th June. Since then, it had gone into recess for Eid al-fitr holidays after six sittings. There had been a 53-day recess between this year’s first and second sessions.

45 parliamentarians had filed the no-confidence motion against Maseeh, this includes pro-government MPs aligned with the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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