K. Male'
29 Jun 2017 | Thu 09:38
Fisheries Minister Mohamed Shainee (C)
Fisheries Minister Mohamed Shainee (C)
Fisheries and Agriculture
Fisheries Ministry invests MVR 48 million to bolster value-added production
The Fisheries Ministry said that a considerable amount has been invested into marketing products in a manner more accessible to the youth
The Fisheries Ministry has extended its aid scheme with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a United Nations initiative
The IFAD scheme was used to finance FADIP, a loan scheme that the Ministry has used to invest in diversification of value-added fisheries and agriculture

The Fisheries Ministry had conferred loans of MVR 48 million to fisheries and agricultural corporations in order to bolster the value-added process of production.

A statement publicizing the Fisheries Ministry’s agenda to diversify said industries said that a considerable amount has been invested into marketing products in a manner more accessible to the youth.

As part of the agenda, the Fisheries Ministry had extended its aid scheme with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a United Nations initiative.

The IFAD scheme was extended until March, 2018. The IFAD scheme was used to finance the Fisheries And Agricultural Diversification Programme (FADIP) – a loan scheme – that the Ministry has used to invest in diversification of value-added fisheries and agriculture.

The programme has reportedly given MVR 25 million to corporative societies in the past three years, in addition to enabling eight of these societies to introduce a total of 30 new products into the local market.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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