K. Male'
28 Jun 2017 | Wed 12:13
MP Mohamed 'Rukumaa' Abdul Kareem
MP Mohamed 'Rukumaa' Abdul Kareem
People Megazine
Coalition in crisis
Today Shainee, tomorrow they’ll talk of Irthisham like this: MP Abdul Kareem
PPM MPs highly critical of Government agencies
Claims on Dr. Shainee must be investigated
Youth Minister is the most likely target

Henveyru South Constituency MP Mohamed Abdul Kareem (Rukuma) says that it was highly likely that Youth Minister Irthisham Adam will be the next target of Parliamentary Group of ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives, much like Fisheries Minister Dr. Mohamed Shainee is.

Speaking in RaajjeTV’s ‘Fala Surukhee’ program on Tuesday night, MP Abdul Kareem said MP Ahmed Thoriq’s statements aimed against Dr. Shainee ‘spoke volumes’. He thanked MP Thoriq for speaking frankly.

MP Abdul Kareem said these allegations must be investigated by the relevant state agencies, especially an impartial one by Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

In a Facebook post, the Parliamentarian called on Dr. Shainee to resign in light of the many issues that plague the Fisheries sector. Thoriq said a solution cannot be found for the issues facing the nation’s fisheries sector with Dr. Shainee at the helm of the Ministry. He further criticized the relationship Dr. Shainee had with yellowfin tuna exporters.

MP Abdul Kareem added that other PG members had expressed their dissatisfaction with other Ministries and Ministers. As such, he said he believed the next public target will be Youth Minister Irthisham Adam. He defined Ministers like them as ‘failures’.

‘We hear these talks on Parliament floor, outside of Parliament sessions. PPM MPs have huge concerns, divided across many Ministries. Today what MP Thoriq spoke on about Dr. Shainee, tomorrow I’m sure will be deflected towards Youth Minister Irthisham Adam. We’ve talk like this,’ he said.

MP Abdul Kareem also criticized Corrections for their failure to provide adequate medical treatment to former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb.

‘We’ve not seen an end to the issue of Adeeb’s medicals. Neither, Police nor Human Rights Commission had found a solution,’ the Parliamentarian said.

In his interview, MP Abdul Kareem highlighted on the successes of MDP over the past 12 years.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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