K. Male'
28 Jun 2017 | Wed 09:12
Member of Parliament for Maduvvari Constituency Mohamed Ameeth
Member of Parliament for Maduvvari Constituency Mohamed Ameeth
Coalition in Crisis
Minister Shainee is the least popular Minister with the PG: Ameeth
Minister Shainee is a close ally of President Yameen
Dr. Shainee is the least popular Minister among the PG members
MP Thoriq called for Dr. Shainee’s resignation

Member of Parliament for Maduvvari Constituency Mohamed Ameeth says that Fisheries Minister Dr. Mohamed Shainee is the least popular Minister with the Parliamentary Group of the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM).

The Parliamentarian, who had in March defected to the opposition, made the statement in a tweet posted on Tuesday. In his tweet, penned in Dhivehi, MP Ameeth said Dr. Shainee is the least popular Minister with the PG. However, none of the PG members had criticized the Minister as he was closely allied with President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom.



His fellow Parliamentarian, MP for Mahibadhoo Constituency Ahmed Thoriq on Tuesday called on Dr. Shainee to resign, stating that he had failed to provide a solution to the fisheries sector. He also lambasted the Minister for his ‘less than desirable’ ties with yellowfin tuna exporters, as well as the slow progress for Government backed ‘beyas nubeyas’ fishermen insurance scheme. He had also criticized Dr. Shainee for having failed to establish a regulatory board for the sector.

Dr. Shainee is yet to issue a response to the allegations made by the Parliamentarian, preferring to end the discussion with a mere laugh.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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