K. Male'
28 Jun 2017 | Wed 08:55
Citizens of Alifushi in the dark
Citizens of Alifushi in the dark
Electricity Services
Do not want electricity at the expense of damage to public assets: Alifushi Council
FENAKA says temporary service will be provided in Alifushi
Council says they do not want service at the expense of damage to assets

Alifushi Island Council says they do not want to resume electricity services at the expense of damage to public assets.

The Council issued the statement in response to the claims made by FENAKA over provision of electricity, following a temporary solution to the issues. FENAKA Corporation Managing Director Ahmed Shareef alleged that electricity can be reinstated to the island, but there were some who had attempted to halt provision.

Speaking to RaajjeTV’s ‘Sungadi’ program on Tuesday, Shareef said Alifushi is powered by a 400-kilowatt generator and a 600-kilowatt generator. The issue, he said was with the radiator of the 600-kilowatt generator. Noting the issue had been resolved, Shareef added the full power provision is being delayed because some in the island were preventing this.

‘The technical team in Alifushi had changed settings so the bigger engine has a smaller load and the smaller engine can take a larger load. We cannot provide electricity because some citizens have protested that. A permanent solution can be found only be bringing in a new radiator, which can be brought in early July,’ Shareef said.

Alifushi Council President Abdullah Raazee spoke to RaajjeTV’s ‘Sungadi’ said the technical team had given no assurance that there will be no power cuts. He said citizens did not wish to see their assets get damaged in frequent power cuts.

‘They [the technical team] had given no guarantees on whether there will not be a power cut. If there is no permanent solution, then the citizens do not want to risk damaging their assets,’ Raazee said.

Raazee said the island had been plagued with electricity issues for around eight months. He remarked they had filed the issue with relevant Government bodies but had not been able to find a solution.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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