K. Male'
26 Jun 2017 | Mon 14:10
Presidents Yameen and Nasheed, with one time Vice President Dr. Jameel
Presidents Yameen and Nasheed, with one time Vice President Dr. Jameel
People Megazine
Presidential Elections 2018
Our aim is to bring down President Yameen’s administration: Nasheed
MDP turned 12 on Monday
MDP played a key role in bringing in democracy
Democracy currently is sidelined

Former President Mohamed Nasheed says the key aim Is to end the rule of the Yameen administration and called on all members of MDP to lend their support to this aim.

In a statement released on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), Nasheed said MDP was working with other political parties to strengthen the democratic systems of the nation and to ensure the integrity of independent institutions. He further said the politicization of the judiciary and Police must cease, adding that decentralized system of governance must be reinstated and to ensure the independence of Maldives as well as security and safety of the nation and region.

Nasheed’s message also noted the importance of halting senseless murders, threats of violence, murder and mugging in order to ensure a stress free and prosperous future for Maldivians.

He stressed that he must be granted independence and included in this process.

Reflecting on the work carried out by the opposition, Nasheed said the biggest mandate of the opposition was to free political prisoners and reversal of politically motivated charges. He added he had no doubt the opposition will gain a significant majority against the Yameen administration.

Nasheed also conveyed the warm felicitations of the anniversary of the Party to the members.

He said this was the dawn of a new era for the nation, which will herald the removal of the Yameen administration, free and fair elections, freedom for parties to choose their candidates and freely contest in said elections. Nasheed said the opposition was clearly united in their mission to bring a just and fair rule for the public.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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