K. Male'
25 Jun 2017 | Sun 14:23
President Yameen at the event held to exchange Eid greetings
President Yameen at the event held to exchange Eid greetings
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Eid Al-Fitr 1438
Eid is a time to strengthen faith, national spirit: President Yameen
Sent well wishes to all citizens

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated that Eid is a time to strengthen one's Islamic faith and national spirit.

He made the statement in his official address on the occasion of Eid.

In his address, President Yameen sent out his well wishes to citizens of this nation as well as leaders and citizens of other Islamic nations, heads and participants of international Islamic organization.

President stated that Eid is the time to particularly remember the needy and extend a helping hand. He also stated Eid is a time to renew and strengthen the family ties.

In addition to his official address, the President and First Lady also hosted an event held to exchange Eid greetings.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Dheli Copy
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