K. Male'
25 Jun 2017 | Sun 13:35
Eid prayers at Maafannu Stadium
Eid prayers at Maafannu Stadium
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Eid Al-Fitr 1438
Several complete Eid prayers in huge congregations across the nation
Male’ Stadium converted to makeshift prayer grounds
Eid prayers observed in 15 mosques, including Islamic Center
Large congregations observed in islands

Several had observed Eid prayers in huge congregations in Male’ and outer lying atolls.

The biggest congregation in Male’ was held in Maafannu Stadium, with Islamic Center and other larger mosques holding Eid prayer congregations as well.

In Vilimale’, the largest congregation was in the island’s football grounds and Masjid Al-Salaam.

In Hulhumale’ Eid prayers were observed in Hulhumale’ Central Park, Masjid Sheikh Qasim bin Mohamed Al-Thani and Hulhumale’ temporary mosque.

Large areas in islands were converted to public prayer spaces where residents observed the Eid prayers.



Maldives first observed a major congregation for Eid prayers in 2012. The prayers were held in Maafannu Stadium and attended by state dignitaries, citizens and individuals who had served the nation.

Today’s sermon called on all to practice kindness to one another, remember and be compassionate towards the plight of Muslims caught in strife across various parts of the world. It also called on all to carry forth the good deeds and habit inculcated over the month of Ramadan.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Raajjemv
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