K. Male'
24 Jun 2017 | Sat 16:38
Abdulla Muaz
Abdulla Muaz
Film Star Muaz's Arrest
Film star Abdulla Muaz released on bail
Muaz was arrested with four other individuals, with four bottles suspected to be alcohol
He has placed MVR 5,000 as bail

Coordinator at the National Centre for the Arts (NCA), Abdulla Muaz, who was arrested for possession of alcohol has been released on bail.

Muaz has placed a bail amount of MVR 5,000 at the Criminal Court, while the judge had placed stipulations on him as well.

However, Muaz could not be contacted at the time of press.

Muaz, who rose to fame as a film star, was arrested with four other individuals with four others.

Police further said that four bottles suspected to be alcohol were discovered from where they were arrested.

Muaz was released to house arrest on 18th June. Shortly after, he took to social networking platforms to express discontent over the arrest.

“The truth will haunt you” he said on his Facebook account.

READ MORE: Muaz's first comment after being placed under house arrest: ‘what goes around comes around’

Muaz was appointed as a coordinator at NCA by President Abdulla Yameen in May 2014. However, he was temporarily dismissed from the post amid the speculation over former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb's arrest, and reinstated later.

Muaz is also the vice chairperson of the Maldives Film Association.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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