K. Male'
23 Jun 2017 | Fri 13:44
The police found MVR 80,000 in a safari boat docked at the island
The police found MVR 80,000 in a safari boat docked at the island
Ihavandhoo Ice Plant Murder
Police confiscate cash in investigation of Ihavandhoo ice plant murder
Ismail Umar, native to Hinnavaru island of Lhaviyani atoll, was in charge of the ice plant in Ihavandhoo
The police found MVR 80,000 in a safari boat docked at the island
Police have arrested six individuals in total for Umar's murder

Officers investigating the murder of Ismail Umar, whose brutally battered body was found insiden the ice plant on Ihavandhoo island of Haa Alifu atoll, have found sums of money that they believe are linked to the crime. 

The police found MVR 80,000 in a safari boat docked at the island - after having searched multiple households and other areas they believe were frequented by those currently for the murder.

Police have arrested six individuals in total for Umar's murder - all of them expatriates. 27-year-old Bangladeshi citizen, Suma Mia had confessed to the murder as well. 

Officers reportedly recovered the weapon Mia had used in the murder along with clothes that the confessed attacker had been wearing at the time. 

Ismail Umar, native to Hinnavaru island of Lhaviyani atoll, was in charge of the ice plant in Ihavandhoo.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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