K. Male'
22 Jun 2017 | Thu 09:34
Former Vice President Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed
Former Vice President Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed
Crackdown on Opposition
Attempted murder is a grave offence, offenders must be treated with caution: Dr. Jameel
Cannot overlook millions stolen, islands doled out
Questioned why we were not fighting for those suffering jail in silence
Difference must be made between criminals, politicians

Former Vice President and leader of the Maldives United Opposition (MUO) Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed says that attempted murder is a grave offence and as such, the nation must treat offenders with caution.

In a series of tweets posted on Wednesday, Dr. Jameel said the nation as a whole must be unwavering with sentencing and be cautious.



In a subsequent tweet, the former Vice President made some statements aimed at his successor Ahmed Adeeb. In this tweet, Dr. Jameel says that ‘we cannot overlook the millions stolen’ and ‘islands doled out as incentive to corrupt numerous individuals’.



At the time when most were extremely critical of the Government for refusing to grant Adeeb release for medical treatment, Dr. Jameel went against the grain. His tweet notes that many languish in the prison system, with some of them on trumped up charges. ‘Why not fight for them who suffer in silence?’ he questioned.



In the subsequent tweet, Dr. Jameel stressed that all prisoners must be treated humanely and with dignity, adding that differences between politicians and criminals cannot be undermined.



Dr. Jameel was booted from his position, after a no confidence motion, to make way for Adeeb.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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