K. Male'
21 Jun 2017 | Wed 23:36
From this evening's Ihya Forum
From this evening's Ihya Forum
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Maumoon Foundation
Questions must be asked to discover the truth on Islam: President Maumoon
Questions must be asked, a person will not become a non-believer
Spoke on the topic of why Ramadan is a special month
Spoke on the importance of the last 10 days of Ramadan

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom says that one must ask questions to discover and understand Islam.

Speaking in Maumoon Foundation’s Ihya program on Wednesday night, the former President says questions must be asked and even if a person asks questions, he or she will not become a non-believer.

The Ihya program was held on the top of why the month of Ramadan was a special month.

In his lecture, Maumoon focused on the special aspects of Ramadan, including being the only month named in Quran and having a special prayer for the month. He notes that the blessings for various acts was higher in Ramadan, with the night of Laylat Al-Qadr in the same month as well.

He spoke on the importance of the last 10 days of Ramadan, as evident by the actions of Prophet Mohamed. Reflecting on the importance of Laylat Al-Qadr, President Maumoon said that almost all scholars agreed that the night of Laylat Al-Qadr fell on the 26th night of Ramadan.




Maumoon advised all carry on the ethics of Ramadan forward to other months.

The Maumoon Foundation was formed in 2010. This is the eighth year the Foundation had held Ihya Forums. The Ihya Forums were held from 1980 during the Maumoon administration.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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