K. Male'
21 Jun 2017 | Wed 08:41
Pre-order.mv had allegedly neglected to deliver items after having received payment
Pre-order.mv had allegedly neglected to deliver items after having received payment
Azmoon Ahmed
Online Shopping Scam
Police investigate Preorder.mv over fraud allegations
Pre-order.mv had neglected to deliver items after having received payment
Police said last week that they have received over six reports of such incidents thus far

The police have begun investigating Pre-order.mv, an online electronics seller that has recently met with allegations of fraud.

There were posts on social networking platforms that claim that the seller, primarily operational through its page on Facebook, had neglected to deliver items after having received payment.

The police have asked anyone who has had such an experience with Pre-order.mv to step forth.

Police said last week that they have received over six reports of such incidents thus far. Local news sources also say that there are discrepancies between the names of the page’s administrator given to the Home Ministry, when the business was registered.

Further, an individual has also reportedly been apprehended, online newspaper Sun reported. 

Pre-order.mv did not maintain absolute silence over the matter. On June 9th, it had issued an apology and noted server malfunctions as the source of the delay in delivery.

"Due to some errors on our services and lack on delivery we apologize for all and aplogoizr for all this delays. We will be delivering all your orders within three weeks period and after this period if any phone or either refund is not given to any customer you have rights to get it. We apologize for all, thank you" a post on the Facebook page read. 

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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