K. Male'
19 Jun 2017 | Mon 23:22
Ceremony held to hand over Addu Relief Fund proceeds
Ceremony held to hand over Addu Relief Fund proceeds
Addu Relief Fund
Proceeds from Addu Relief fund handed over
Nineteen families affected
Proceeds deposited to City Council account
Proceeds deposited to City Council account

Proceeds from the Addu Relief opened by RaajjeTV has been handed over.

The proceeds were handed over in a ceremony held in RaajjeTV premises to Addu Meedhoo Constituency MP Rozaina Adam.

Speaking in the ceremony, Rozaina said the social work carried out by RaajjeTV was impressive and that the citizens accepted it as such.

The proceeds will be disbursed via Addu City Council.

The Fund was opened by the station to assist the families effected following the tornado that hit the city on May 17, 2017. Individuals contributed MVR 29,655 with a further MVR 20,345 contributed by staff of the station. The total MVR 50,000 has already been deposited to the Council account.

The station has requested the Council to disburse the proceeds in a fair manner as decided by the Council.

Nineteen families were affected by the tornado, with 16 homes severely damaged.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Dheli Copy
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