K. Male'
19 Jun 2017 | Mon 22:14
Kinbidhoo Constituency MP Abdullah Riyaz near Criminal Court
Kinbidhoo Constituency MP Abdullah Riyaz near Criminal Court
Crackdown on Opposition
PG Office rejects deferred prosecution for MP Riyaz
No reason given for rejection
Riyaz informed of decision
Deferred prosecution granted if defendant pleads guilty, expresses remorse

Prosecutor General (PG) Office has passed not to grant deferred prosecution and to press ahead with the obstruction charges against Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader and Kinbidhoo Constituency MP Abdullah Riyaz.

Speaking to RaajjeMv, PG Office media official said Riyaz had been informed of the decisions taken by the Office. No additional details were revealed.

MP Riyaz had confirmed the news and stated that he had been informed of the decision a week back. He also said that he had not been informed of the reason not to grant deferred prosecution.

Previously PG Office said they had not made a decision on granting deferred prosecution as they had not received information pertaining to the case from Maldives Police Service (MPS).

The last hearings of the case were heard on May 16th, where summary charges were announced. In the next hearing, the Court will announce the verdict.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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