K. Male'
19 Jun 2017 | Mon 16:33
Ceremony for signing of an Agreement to handover Kulhudhufushi Regional Hospital to NIMS Hospital, India.
Ceremony for signing of an Agreement to handover Kulhudhufushi Regional Hospital to NIMS Hospital, India.
Health Ministry
Kulhudhuffushi Hospital
Kulhudhuffushi Hospital handed over to India’s NIMS for 50 years
Hospital will be converted to a 150-bed hospital in 16 months
NIMs will formally take over administration next month
Specialists, super specialists will review patients

Kulhudhuffushi Hospital has been handed over to India’s NIMs Hospital for 50 years.

The agreement will come into effect from July 10th and was signed on Monday. The agreement was signed by Health Minister Abdullah Nazim Ibrahim and Managing Director of NIMs Hospital Faizal Khan.

Speaking to press after signing the agreement, Health Minister Nazim said NIMs will take over administration from July 10th onward. Both parties will finish drawing up the documentation and bringing in doctors for the hospital in the meantime.

Under NIMs administration the Hospital will have the capability to oversee thalassemia cases, bone marrow transplants and will become a Hospital that is a Centre of Excellence in genetic disorders. Additionally, the Hospital will have specialists and super specialists from a varied field.

Health Minister further said within 16 months, the Hospital will become a 150-bed Hospital, from its current capacity of 50-beds.

NIMs MD Faizal Khan said the company will bring in the administrative and structural changes, including installing a state of the art ICU.

Health Ministry had not revealed the terms of the agreement, but Minister Nazim said a special ceremony will be held in the island where details will be revealed.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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