K. Male'
18 Jun 2017 | Sun 23:53
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Sky News
Renewable energy
Nasheed to deliver keynote address in Solar Finance and Investment Summit
Ex-Pres to deliver address on 19th June

Former President Mohamed Nasheed is to deliver the keynote address at the Solar Finance and Investment Summit.

Nasheed will deliver his address at around 1pm Maldives time on June 19th.

The former President will speak on how to get the political commitment to make the rapid changes we need to in order to decarbonize the power sector, the role political parties can take in this process, importance of reframing climate change mitigation as a jobs issue and how to overcome the challenges, especially with regards to political resistance.

Nasheed has been a vocal advocate for climate change issues.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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