K. Male'
17 Jun 2017 | Sat 14:52
Former President Mohamed Nasheed (L) with MP Ahmed Mahloof
Former President Mohamed Nasheed (L) with MP Ahmed Mahloof
MP Mahloof
Ex-President Nasheed meets recently released MP Mahloof
MP Mahloof met Nasheed in Sri Lanka
Mahloof was sentenced to two consecutive sentences that amount to 10 months and 24 days for obstruction of a law enforcement officer

MP Ahmed Mahloof, who recently concluded serving a jail sentence on charges of obstructing law enforcement, has met with former President Mohamed Nasheed.

The parliamentarian met with Nasheed, who is in self-imposed exile but currently residing in Sri Lanka, in order to thank him for his support, Mahloof said.

Mahloof had earlier told RaajjeMV that he received tremendous support from Nasheed during his incarceration.

“President Nasheed was a constant source of support when I was imprisoned, we had talked about the state of our nation and the reform work that is now underway” he had said.

MP Ahmed Mahloof was released 9th June, after having been sentenced to two consecutive jail terms that amount to 10 months and 24 days for obstruction of a law enforcement officer.

Mahloof is an independent parliamentarian who has been working with the opposition. Prior to his sentencing, he had also been the spokesperson of the opposition alliance, Maldives United Opposition (MUO). The largest opposition party in the country, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has filed Mahloof's case in Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU).

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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