K. Male'
16 Jun 2017 | Fri 18:02
Ihavandhoo ice plant
Ihavandhoo ice plant
Murder case
Individual found murdered in Ihavandhoo ice plant
Deceased was a 54 year old male Maldivian
Body stashed away in the island's ice plant
Case reported around 4.15 pm on Friday

An individual has been found murdered in the island of Ihavandhoo in Haa Alif Atoll. 

Maldives Police Service has confirmed the news, further revealing that the individual was a 54 year old male Maldivian. 

Police also say that the deceased was found stashed away in the ice plant. 

The case was reported to Police at around 4.15 pm on Friday and Police say the case is under investigation,

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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